
Food for Widows

Acts 6:1-7

BIG IDEA: When we treat others with kindness, it helps everyone be friends.


  • How did Jesus' friends show God's love to people? (By sharing food and clothing.)
  • Some women in the story were unhappy. What was their problem? (They were not getting enough to eat.)
  • When Jesus' friends found out, how did this make them feel? (Sad. They wanted everyone to have enough.)
  • How did they solve this problem? (They chose 7 men to help make sure everyone got enough food.)

ACTION PLAN: Name some people that you can be kind to this week.

PRAYER: Ask the Lord to show you people that could use a friend.


"Hear the word of God and obey it." Luke 11:28



Food for Widows

Acts 6:1-7

BIG IDEA:  When we treat others with kindness, it can help everyone be friends.


  • What was the problem that some women were having? (They weren't getting enough food.)
  • How did Jesus' friends feel/respond when they found out? (They were sad, wanted the women to know people cared, came up with a solution.)
  • How did Jesus' friends solve the problem? (They picked 7 men to be special helpers.  They made sure everyone had enough food to eat.  They prayed for the men and that God would help them do a good job.)
  • How do you think the women felt after being treated kindly? (Good, loved, cared for.)

ACTION PLAN: Name some different ways you can show kindness this week.

PRAYER: Ask God to help us show love His love by being kind.


 "Hear the word of God and obey it." Luke 11:28



Working on the Sabbath?

Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-6

BIG IDEA: Do what’s right in Jesus’ eyes, even when others don’t.


  • Why were the Pharisees upset with Jesus? (They cared more about their way of doing things than about showing love to others.) What did Jesus want them to do instead? (To use the Sabbath rules to help people.)
  • What did the Pharisees choose to do? (They choose to be angry and plot to kill Jesus.) Why? (Because they were to invested in following the Sabbath rules.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: In today’s story, Jesus showed that He was in charge. He is in charge because He is God’s Son and has authority as our Savior. When we choose to follow Jesus, we ask Him to be in charge of our lives, as well. We choose to love Him and follow His example of loving others.

ACTION PLAN: Discuss situations in which people can choose to do good, and tell ways to do what’s right in Jesus’ eyes.


"I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever." Psalm 52:8


We are also currently learning the Old Testament books of the Bible...

LAW : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

HISTORY: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

POETRY: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
