
A Path Through the Sea

Exodus 14 -- 15:20

BIG IDEA: God cares for us and keeps us safe. 


  • What was blocking the people from walking further? (The sea; lots of water)
  • How did God help the people cross the sea? (God made the wind blow and make a path through the water.)
  • How did the people thank God? (Sang songs)

ACTION PLAN: Name ways God cares for you and helps keeps you safe.

PRAYER: Thank God for giving you people in your life that help keep you safe.


"God cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7



A Path Through the Sea

Exodus 14 -- 15:20

BIG IDEA: God cares for us and keeps us safe. 


  • Why were God's people afraid? (They were next to the sea, and the mean King and his soldiers were coming towards them.  They had no where to go.)
  • How did God keep his people safe? (He made a strong wind blow, and created a dry path through the middle of the sea for his people to walk on to get to the other side.)
  • What happened when the mean King and his army reached the sea? (God caused the wind to stop and the water to come back down and fill the sea.  There was no longer a path, or way to get to God's people.  They were safe!)

ACTION PLAN: Name ways God cares for you and helps keeps you safe.

PRAYER: Thank God for giving you people in your life that help keep you safe.


"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7  (NLT)



A Washed-Out World

Genesis 6:5 - 9:17 

BIG IDEA: God wants me to do what’s right, even when others don’t. 


  • What did God tell Noah to do? (Build a big boat/ark; gather every kind of food for his family and the animals; gather every kind of animal on the ark) 
  • What do you think Noah’s neighbors said and did when they saw Noah building the ark? 
  • Do you think it was hard or easy for Noah to obey God? Why? 
  • Why is it good to memorize and think about what God’s Word says? (God’s Word can help us make right choices. In any situation, we can ask God to help us know what He wants us to do. Amazing things can happen when we obey God, just like amazing things happened to Noah!) 

CONNECTING TO JESUS: After the Fall, everywhere God looked, people were drowning in evil. Washing away human wickedness with a flood was God’s judgment on people. But, God used one man, Noah, to save people and animals a long time ago. The story of Noah reminds us of the way God planned to save us all from the wrong things we have done - through just one person! Many years later, God sent Jesus - His very own Son - to save everyone who believes in Him.  

ACTION PLAN: Evaluate situations and tell right ways to follow God.


"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23




