I have a dream, a dream for all the people in the world; / That peace, hope and freedom shall ring. Yes, I have a dream. / I have a dream for all mankind that we may come to a place in time / When we will know that true peace of mind comes when we share, / When we learn how to care. Yes, I have a dream.

I dream that all nations shall celebrate, that every trace of fear will be gone. / That we will join our voices in unity and sing freedom’s song. / I have a dream for everyone, that hope will shine like the morning star / And with the day that has just begun, we may come to embrace the entire human race! / Yes, I have a dream!


As Christians, this dream should be our focus. Thank you First Baptist Men’s Gospel Singers for reminding us of this lofty goal by singing this message to our congregation on January 19. Of course, true peace and unity comes from accepting Christ into our daily life and putting Him first. Oh, that we would never grow weary in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ because Christ IS the ANSWER.


We also are thankful that Silas Johnson is willing to share his piano talents with us. His rendition of “The Doxology” was inspiring indeed. Thank you, Silas. If others would like to contribute a special song sometime in our 9:30 a.m. service or participate in one of our musical groups, please contact Betty Hanson.       


Coming in February, we have plans to hear an instrumental soloist, and the First Baptist Ladies Ensemble will sing, “Eagle’s Wings.” Both of these special numbers will be a blessing to all. Be sure to come!


Because February is generally thought of as the month of love, wouldn’t it be grand if each one of us  made a special effort to show love one to another in a practical way. For example, each of us could pick someone outside of our own generation or someone who traditionally has a different political or musical point of view than you hold and proceed to show him or her a single act of kindness. Think of the impact this would have if everyone always interacted with understanding and love toward each other all the time. Furthermore, if we can be sensitive to each other for one month, it might be possible to be loving throughout all the months of the year until it became a habit. Then maybe, just maybe, after we’ve practiced sharing and caring among ourselves, the dream of unity for all mankind could become a reality.


All of us need to take to heart these words from the Bible and put into practice this admonition: “Love your enemies, and do good. Lend, hoping for nothing in return and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the children of the Highest: for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Therefore, be merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and you shall not be judged: condemn not, and you shall not be condemned; forgive, and you shall be forgiven. Give, and it shall be given unto you.” Luke 6: 35-38a        

Blessings to All of You!



-Betty -


This article originally appeared in the February 2014 edition of the FBC newsletter. Click here to view the rest of this newsletter.
