Renew your mind, Refresh your spirit and Revitalize your faith!

The Praise Team is excited to announce our newest worship event: Renew!  Join us on Sunday, March 9th, at 6pm for an incredible evening of worship, prayer, and fellowship. 

We want to thank the Outreach Committee for agreeing to put on a ice-cream sundae fundraiser for us directly following the event!  This will be a free-will donation fundraiser, and everyone is welcome! All proceeds collected will go towards replacing our old, and slowly failing, sound board.  


The new board will be digital (our current one is analog), allows us to save settings for specific services or band orientations, and save EQ settings for specific vocalists and musicians! We believe this will be a great investment in the future of our church.

 Thank you so much to everyone for your love and support! We can’t wait to see you all on March 9th!




This article originally appeared in the March 2014 edition of the FBC newsletter. Click here to view the rest of this newsletter.
