
David and Jonathan

1 Samuel 16:15-23; 18:1-4; 19:1-7

BIG IDEA: We can show God's love by being kind to our friends.


  • What was wrong with King Saul? (He was sad and grumpy.)
  • How did David show kindness to King Saul? (He played his harp for him to make him happy.)
  • Who did David become friends with? (Jonathan, King Saul's son.)
  • How did Jonathan show David kindness? (Gave David his coat, bow and arrow.)
  • What did the 2 friends promise each other? (To always be friends and to always take care and help each other.)

ACTION PLAN: Name some ways you can be kind to your friends this week.

PRAYER: Ask God to help you show God's love to your friends by being kind.


"With love, help each other." Galatians 5:13


 "And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:7



David and Jonathan

1 Samuel 16:15-23; 18:1-4; 19:1-7

BIG IDEA: We can show God's love by being kind to our friends.


  • How did David show kindness to King Saul? (He played his harp and help the King feel better.)
  • Who became David's best friend? (Jonathan, King Saul's son.)
  • How did Jonathan show kindness to David? (Gave him his coat, bow and arrow.  Talked his dad, King Saul, out of hurting David.)
  • How has someone shown you kindness this week?

ACTION PLAN: Name some ways you can show kindness to your friends this week.

PRAYER: Ask God to help you show God's love to your friends.


"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32


 "In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened." Luke 2:8-9



Joseph’s Sticky Situations

Genesis 37; 39

BIG IDEA: God is always with me and gives me courage to make right choices!


  • What choices did Joseph make in these sad and scary situations? (He chose to work hard, to do what was right and to trust God.)
  • Why do you think Joseph kept making right choices in the midst of these situations? (He knew that God loved him and was giving him the courage to make the right choices.)
  • When is a time you need to remember that God is with you? (When scared at night, when having to take a hard test at school, etc.)
  • What are some good choices that you can make at home? At the park? At a friend’s house? (Obey the rules. Take turns. Tell the truth.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: The story of Joseph can de seen as a picture of Jesus’ life. God’s own Son, Jesus, was mistreated in many ways - much more than Joseph! But Jesus always did what was right. And because Jesus is God’s Son and obeyed, even to the point of being killed on a cross, He didn’t stay dead! He rose again and became our Savior!

ACTION PLAN: Evaluate situations in my life and tell right choices to make.


"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1


"But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. "This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." Luke 2:10-14


This fall we are implementing something new for our Elementary students.  Every quarter, there is one month that has 5 Sundays.  On this 5th Sunday, we will not be offering class, but are encouraging you to sit with your children and experience "big church" together and worship as a family.  We believe this will help the children get a better understanding of worship and ultimately, help them to transition into "big church" on a regular basis once they graduate out of Barefoot Kids after 6th grade.

Our first 5th Sunday is coming up this month, November 29th.  Please take this opportunity to sit with your children, sing songs and pray together and then talk about the sermon after service is over.  In the future, we will also be looking for opportunities for our students to help serve on these 5th Sundays, so be looking out for more information on that early next year!



