
Paul Obeys God

Acts 21:17--22:30

BIG IDEA: We are obeying God when we tell others about Jesus.


  • Where did Paul go to tell others about Jesus? (The Temple.)
  • What happened to Paul? (Some men got angry. They dragged him out of the Temple. Soldiers put him in chains.)
  • How did Paul obey God? (He continued telling people about Jesus, even when they were angry.)

ACTION PLAN:  Identify times that we can tell others about Jesus.

PRAYER:  Ask God for help to tell our friends about Jesus, even when it's difficult.


"Jesus said, 'Go and tell the good news.'"  Mark 16:15


Paul Preaches in Jerusalem

Acts 21:8--22:29

BIG IDEA: I can tell others what I believe about Jesus.


What happened when Paul went to Temple in Jerusalem? (People started accusing him of turning people against the Jews and their laws.  People tried to kill him. Roman soldiers came and broke up the fight and arrested Paul.)

Paul asked the Commander if he could talk to the crowd, what did he tell them about how he learned about Jesus? (He shared his testimony of how he used to arrest and hurt people who believed in Jesus, then Jesus spoke to him on the way to Damascus and he, too, believed Jesus and now travels around telling others about Jesus!)

What do you know about Jesus that you could tell others? (He loves us and takes care of us. He is powerful.  He listens to our prayers. He died for our sins and rose again!)

CONNECTING TO JESUS:  Paul had been warned that he would be arrested if he went to Jerusalem, and his friends begged him to not to go, but Paul explained he was ready to be in chains, and even DIE for the sake of Jesus.  He was ready to trusty and obey, no matter what.  It doesn't matter how much or how little you know about Him, if you believe Jesus is God's son, you are a part of His family. And you can tell others why you chose to follow Jesus and He will give you the courage to do so.

ACTION PLAN: List some of the awesome things you believe to be true about God.  Discuss ways you could share these things with others and pray for God to give you courage.

May Memory Verses:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

"Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." Ephesians 5:15-16
