Choral Corner — First Baptist Church

The year 2015 has not been kind to many of us so far and poor health has plagued our Sanctuary Choir as well. But God is Good and has watched over us and lead us through some very trying weeks.

Thanks to our choir ladies, we were able to provide special music in March and April in spite of so many men ill and therefore unable to participate in our choir presentations. May will be no different. We will bring a choral message of hope to all by singing, “God so Loved the World” on Mother’s Day and “Anchored to the Rock” on June 14th as well as a thought-provoking number on July 5th to celebrate our beloved homeland,  America.

As most of you know by now, some of our choir members have been seriously ill and we are looking for those who are concerned about maintaining our choir, to step in and fill the gaps in our ranks. Are you one of those who would like to help us during this lean time? If you are, then I encourage you to come to a few of our rehearsals and sing with us in a church service. That’s the best way to find out if singing with others in a Christians Choir would be appealing to you as a way to serve Christ in our church.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have stood by my husband, Ray, during the past two and a half months while he aggressively battled a cancerous tumor. The battle still is not over but some progress has been made and we cling to any and all improvements no matter how small. Your cards, calls, visits and prayers have been great sources of encouragement to both Ray and myself and we have appreciated every one. Thank you so very much. Ray says he can feel the Power of Prayer. Praise God and blessings to you all.

“Sing”cerely, Betty

