
The Lame Man Walks

Acts 3:1-16

BIG IDEA:  We are obeying God when we help others.


  • Who did Peter and John see on their way to the Temple? (A lame man.)
  • Why did this man need help? (His legs didn't work. He couldn't walk or stand.)
  • What did the man asking people for? What did Peter and John do? (The man was asking for money. Peter offered something even better and said, in the name of Jesus, stand up and walk.)
  • What did the man do next? (Stood up, walked and leaped into the Temple. Praised God.)

ACTION PLAN: Talk about some different ways you can help people this week.

PRAYER: Ask God to help you see opportunities to help others.


"Hear the word of God and obey it." Luke 11:28



The Lame Man Walks

Acts 3:1-16

BIG IDEA:  We can help others when they need help.


  • Who was sitting outside of the Temple gates? (A lame man, his legs didn't work)
  • What did he ask Peter and John when they walked by? (Asked for money)
  • They didn't have money to give him, but what did they do? (They told him, in the name of Jesus, to stand up and walk)
  • What happened next? (The man got up and walked, he was healed. He went into the Temple jumping and praising God)
  • Who actually healed the man? Was it Peter and John? (No, it was Jesus)

ACTION PLAN:  Name some ways you can obey God by helping others.

PRAYER: Ask God to help you notice when others need help, and to find ways to help them.


 "Hear the word of God and obey it." Luke 11:28



One Busy Day!

Mark 1:21-34

BIG IDEA: I can trust Jesus to be in charge of my life.


  • Who needed help in this story? (A man controlled by an evil spirit. Peter’s ill mother-in-law. Other sick family and friends.)
  • What did Jesus do to show that He was a leader people could trust? (Taught about God. Helped people. Healed people.)
  • What did the people in Capernaum do or say when they heard about Jesus? (They were excited and brought sick people to Jesus. They spread the news about Jesus.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: The Gospel of Mark tells us about Jesus’ actions. We learn about Jesus being the Servant, being shown what Jesus accomplished on the Earth, and how His coming changed the world. When we believe in Jesus, He helps us change the way we live, too!

ACTION PLAN: Tell why I can trust Jesus throughout my life.


"I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever." Psalm 52:8
