Psalm 68:3 says:
“Let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God.”
Dear First Baptist Church Members,
Come, rejoice with me that we have so many people in our congregation who joyfully contribute their talents to our various musical groups.
The people in our musical groups are dedicated to serving God through music. If this appeals to you, please join in with one of the groups listed below:
Men’s Gospel Singers Sanctuary Choir
SiSS Singers ( Sisters in Sacred Song )
Baptist Belles ’n Beaus Hand Bell Choir
All total, we currently have forty plus people involved in our musical groups! Approximately twenty-five people are regularly involved in our singing groups and fifteen in our bell choirs, but we have room for more. In addition, we have others who are able to join in with us at certain times of the year but not year around. We welcome them also for they add much to our on-going efforts. So, if you can be a part-time participant, we would welcome you too if you have the desire to serve God with us through music.
Our groups prepare and present their special music with one purpose in mind. We desire to present musical messages which will significantly enhance the worship experience of each person who comes to church to worship God.
Will you join us?
“Sing”cerely - Betty -