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Betty's Blog

Choral Corner with Instrumental Insight


Choral Corner with Instrumental Insight


“We truly enjoy contributing choral anthems into our services for the purpose of enhancing everyone’s worship experience.”

Summer vacations are over, kids are back in school and our Sanctuary Choir is in full operation. Our enthusiastic choral singers sang the traditional Zulu song: "We Are Marching in the Light of the Lord" on Sept. 29th to our very appreciative 9:30 morning worshippers. Thank you congregation for your happy response. We truly enjoy contributing choral anthems into our services for the purpose of enhancing everyone's worship experience. Within the next three months the choir also is planning to sing on Commitment Sunday, Oct. 27th, Thanksgiving Sunday, Nov. 24th, plus three times during the Christmas Season: Dec. 8th, 15th & 22nd.

Have you noticed our newest singers: Warren Eacret, Jan Isett and Randy Bailey? They are important additions to our choir as well as three people who, after having to be away for awhile, are able to sing with us again. We are so glad to welcome back: Missi Koon, Jenny Elofson and Trent Danielson.

Our prayers now are with those in choir who are facing major health issues. We miss you and pray for your swift & complete recovery. We are so thankful that others in our choir who also have had major health challenges such as Ray Hanson plus Don & Carolyn Miller have been able to return to full participation. We are grateful to have such loyal singers. God bless everyone of our choral members in their Christian walk and in their dedication to our choir's musical purpose.

If others in our congregation are singers and looking for a place where they can serve 

God in our church, I would encourage you to consider coming to our choir rehearsals for awhile. Perhaps you also will discover the joy of serving God through sacred choral music and be blessed in the process.


- Betty -


Choral Corner with Instrumental Insight


Choral Corner with Instrumental Insight

If you have the desire to serve God through music at our church, whether part time or year around, we invite you to visit one or two of the groups listed below when they are rehearsing to see which one would fit best into your life style. Would it be: 

Summer Singers?     Baptist Belles Hand Bell Choir?

SiSS Singers? (Sisters in Sacred Song) Sanctuary Choir?

Baptist Beaus Hand Bell Choir? Men’s Gospel Singers?

Have you noticed that these four people have returned for steady participation in our singing groups after recovering from major health issues: Don & Carolyn Miller plus Warren Horsley and Ray Hanson? In addition, these three newer people have become regulars in our choir: Warren Eacret, Jan Isett and Trent Danielson? We are so blessed to have them all with us!   

At this point in our church calendar year, our Sanctuary Choir is concluding their spring sacred choral season and the Summer Singers are beginning their choral season. Perhaps you attended the 9:30 a.m. worship service on Father’s Day and heard them sing the stirring song, “I Trust in the Lord.” That will be followed in July with a Christian patriotic song called, “Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord.”  Plan to be in church when they sing it because this is a song you won’t want to miss! 

During the summer this director will attend the annual choral workshop in Seattle to meet with other church music directors and become acquainted with numerous new compositions suitable for church worship services. This is an inspiring time and I am fortunate to be able to attend. Thank you for all the support you give to me through your encouraging words and loyal participation

All our musical groups prepare and present their special music with one purpose in mind. We desire to present inspiring sacred musical numbers which will significantly enhance the worship experience of each person who comes to church to worship God.

If this describes how YOU feel about sacred music, COME JOIN US!


 Betty  Hanson, Director


Choir Director's Report


Choir Director's Report

Psalm 68:3 says:   

“Let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God.”

Dear First Baptist Church Members, 

Come, rejoice with me that we have so many people in our congregation who joyfully contribute their talents to our various musical groups. 

The people in our musical groups are dedicated to serving God through music. If this appeals to you, please join in with one of the groups listed below:

    Men’s Gospel Singers Sanctuary Choir 

    SiSS Singers ( Sisters in Sacred Song )

    Baptist Belles ’n Beaus Hand Bell Choir


All total, we currently have forty plus people involved in our musical groups! Approximately twenty-five people are regularly involved in our singing groups and fifteen in our bell choirs, but we have room for more.  In addition, we have others who are able to join in with us at certain times of the year but not year around.  We welcome them also for they add much to our on-going efforts.  So, if you can be a part-time participant, we would welcome you too if you have the desire to serve God with us through music. 

Our groups prepare and present their special music with one purpose in mind. We desire to present musical messages which will significantly enhance the worship experience of each person who comes to church to worship God.    

Will you join us?


“Sing”cerely  -  Betty  -


Choral Corner


Choral Corner

We have many people to thank for the special music which was provided by willing church musicians during the Thanksgiving/Christmas Season. Rick Parkhurst gave us: “Hands of Praise”, The Baptist Belles presented: “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”, the Sanctuary Choir sang: “We Come to Say Thank You” and Sierra Horsley played a flute solo: “The Huron Carol.”

How fortunate we are to have such talented musicians among our church members. A special thanks goes to our Sanctuary Choir for their diligence in preparing and presenting a song on every Sunday in December. Each song told the Christmas story from “Deliver Us, Lord” and “One King” through “Mary, Did You Know?” and the choral benediction:  “A Christmas Blessing.”

Thank you, congregation, for taking the time to share with this director your complimentary words and expressions of thanks for the special numbers you heard which blessed your morning worship in our Sunday services. Your encouraging comments keep us going.

In the new year, you can expect to hear our F.B.C. Men’s Gospel Singers in January and our SiSS (Sisters in Sacred Song) sing in February. If any of you reading this article are singers but can’t commit to a year of choir rehearsals, remember this: Men, you are welcome to sing with the Gospel Singers in January and Ladies, you are welcome to sing with the SiSS singers in February. (See rehearsal schedule on this page.)

Blessings to All in the New Year,



Men’s Gospel Singers

 will rehearse on Sundays, January 8, 15, 22, & 29

at 10:30am in Room 14.


Sisters in Sacred Song (SiSS)

will rehearse on Sundays, February 5, 12, 19, & 26

at 10:30am in Room 14.



Jesus Teach Me


Jesus Teach Me

“Jesus teach me what I need to know.

Guide and lead me where I need to go.

In everything thing I say and do,

teach me how to love like You.”

These are the words the choir will sing in their October anthem. This piece is a favorite of many people in our congregation and it will continue the trend we began in September of singing favorite choral anthems from September through December. If you have a favorite anthem the choir has sung in the past, be sure to let the choral director know so she can work it into the musical line-up.

We were blessed in September with the song, “My Lord” sung by our Summer Singers on Grandparents Day and on Sept. 25th a solo by Rick Parkhurst. Rick is a new participant in our musical endeavors at First Baptist. What a blessing he already has been in our Sanctuary Choir. Welcome, Rick, into our family of church musicians who seek to bring spiritual blessings to our congregation through sacred music.

Are you ready to hear more Hand Bell music? Soon, the hand bell choirs will be re-organizing. If you want to be included, please let the music director, Betty Hanson, know of your interest.

“Shine Your heavenly light.

Touch me and open my eyes.

As I go through the day,

Lord, let me follow Your way.”





Fall Choral & Instrumental Preview


Fall Choral & Instrumental Preview

Many years ago I formulated my mission statement which would guide me in all my sacred musical activities. To this day, my guiding goals remain the same:

The purpose of this director’s music ministry is to:

“Inspire the Faithful and Engage the Community through Sacred Music.”

 All choral and instrumental activities seek to:

“Glorify God and Generate Growth which will Sustain the Church.”

 This fall the vocal choir and hand bell choirs will be presenting favorites from the past. From the Sanctuary Choir get ready to hear songs such as “My Lord,” Jesus Teach Me” and “We Come to Say, Thank You.” In December we plan to feature one anthem each week leading up to Christmas. These anthems will be songs directly from the many Christmas Cantatas we have presented over the last several years.

The Hand Bell Choirs will do likewise. So if you have a favorite hand bell hymn you would like to hear again, please let the director know. We’d be happy to play your favorite if at all possible.

For all of you who have enjoyed the many musical presentations of the past, maybe you would like to participate sometime in one of our singing or bell-playing groups. If you would, please speak to the director and make your wishes known. We’d be happy to include you even if it’s for only one month out of the year. Come discover that:

Sacred music can invigorate our senses, console our spirits,
Inspire our hearts and strengthen our walk with Christ.      

 “Sing”cerely, -Betty-


If You Love Me


If You Love Me

“If You Love Me”

“If you love me, keep my commandments and I will pray unto the Father

And He will give you another Comforter, That He may be with you forever.

Even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, will remain in you.

You know Him, You know that He lives and will abide in you.”

As the Sanctuary Choir rehearsed this anthem this past spring, they were blessed by these reassuring words which Christ spoke to all believers. What a blessing it is to sing with other Christians the powerful promises of God!

Choral music is so stirring. “Let All of the People Praise Thee” is another anthem which made our hearts sing when we presented it to our 9:30 worship service! Thank you, congregation, for your expressions of appreciation and outward support of our choir.

 As you’ve noticed, from time to time to time we also have the privilege of giving our worshippers music presented by small ensembles in addition to our choir numbers. Such was the case on June 19th when the Koon Family sang an arrangement of their own in honor of Father’s Day. Thank you Jennifer & her daughter Ayamika along with Melissa & her daughter Jordan for your beautiful number!

The “Summer Singers” have opened our next series of musical presentations by singing a powerful arrangement of, “America” on our nation’s day of Independence and will continue to bless us with songs as the summer progresses.

The Summer Singers group is made up of people who are unable to practice every week but are able to sing once or twice a year with others who also are available in the summer. So, if you would like to sing with this special group, speak to Betty Hanson & she’ll gladly give you a copy of the few times they practice. The next time they will sing this year is on July 17th which is the date of our combined service called, “Celebration Sunday.”

 Come sing for the joy it will give you and for the blessing your song will be to all who worship with us in our special 10:00 a.m. service that Sunday.






   We at First Baptist are blessed with many who serve “heartily, as to the Lord.” It is evident in all the departments including the music department of our church that we have an exceptional band of willing participants. When I think of al


We at First Baptist are blessed with many who serve “heartily, as to the Lord.” It is evident in all the departments including the music department of our church that we have an exceptional band of willing participants. When I think of all the choir singers, accompanists, song leaders and hand bell ringers in our midst, that quality of serving the Lord “heartily” stands out in my mind.

So, thank you 9:30 church musicians for your loyalty and energetic spirit which you bring to all our rehearsals and presentations. What a blessing you are to our worshippers through the music you present. Thank you, thank you!

A big “Thank You” goes to the following servants who collaborated to bring a very meaningful devotional segment in place of the normal sermon to our 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, January 3, 2016:

Juanita Rapids – Congregational Hymn Sing

Rosemary Brauninger – Organ

Ray Hanson - Scripture  

Sierra Horsley – Flute solo

Congregation – The Lord’s Prayer

James Kaufman – Communion

Thank you for creating a very worshipful experience for our congregation. Requests have come in to hold more of this type of worship service occasionally throughout the year. This director appreciates your encouraging responses.

The Sisters of Sacred Song (SiSS) prepared and presented a beautiful number on Jan. 31st. The words and music are still ringing in the minds of many people. Some have told me that the choral numbers stay in their heads throughout the week. Now that’s the power of sacred music! What a blessing!!

In case you didn’t get to worship to the ladies number, here are some of the words to the song they sang. Perhaps the words alone will be a blessing to those who read this article:

“If you would my disciple be, Take up your cross & follow me,
If you would set the world aright,  Then walk with me and seek the light,
Where peace shall reign from shore to shore, And love will triumph evermore.
So come with me and find the way, It lies before us day by day,
And together we will bring in the Kingdom of the Lord.”
With words such as these matched with a memorable melody, it is easy to see why sacred music continues to bless our souls long after the presentation has ended.  Thank you SiSS for putting your heart and soul into that presentation.

Thank you male quartet for the beautiful number you sang on Feb. 21st, "Just a Closer Walk with Thee." The world would be a better place if we all followed even the first verse and chorus of that song everyday. Right? Here are those words: 

"I am weak but Thou art strong. Jesus, keep me from all wrong;

I'll be satisfied as long as I walk, let me walk close to Thee.

Just a closer walk with Thee, Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,

Daily walking close to Thee. Let it be, dear Lord, let it be."

Thank you, Baptist Belles, for your beautiful hand-bell number on Palm Sunday. The joy of ringing hand bells is quite unique and we have a very loyal group of ladies who enjoy practicing together in order to present such hymns as the one you heard on 3/20: "All Glory, Laud and Honor.”

Thank you, choir, for inspiring us with your anthem: "My Redeemer's Love" on Easter Sunday, 3/27! 

If you would like to participate in any one of our musical groups, please let this director know. We welcome all those who want to contribute their time and talent to our on-going musical groups at First Baptist whether it is on a part time basis or year around.

We will soon be focusing on our summer musical activities. Please come and join in with others who sing or play from their hearts to the Lord and discover the rich, spiritual rewards which arise from this type of involvement.  

“Sing”cerely, -Betty-


Christmas Grace

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Christmas Grace

During the Christmas Season our thoughts rightly ponder on the amazing gift God gave to all people on earth. The story is so familiar, yet we find ourselves gratefully renewed in spirit every year as we focus on the birth of Jesus

Our appreciation of sacred  Christmas music comes from the creative ways in which Christian composers weave the story of Christ’s birth with beautiful music. Alleluia! 

The choral anthem our Sanctuary Choir will bring to us on Christmas Sunday 12/20 this year does an incredible job of helping us to better understand the magnitude of God’s gift through the wording the composer, Ruth Schram, chose to use in her composition, “Christmas Grace.” 

Here are some of the words she wove together in her unique style:

 To take God’s Son from heaven, to turn the Lord of all  

into a helpless infant, a baby weak and small;

to give to our Creator a fully human face! 

THISIS Christmas Grace.”            

Ruth goes on to also remind us that:

The feet that walked in splendor on streets of purest gold,

now wrapped in humble swaddling, shiver from the cold. (and)

The hand that Mary holds HUNG the MOON and STARS in PLACE.

THIS, IS Christmas Grace.

 R. E. Schram continues by pointing out many more powerful contrasts between the Divine existence Christ knew in heaven with the human life He had on earth by asking us to realize and dwell upon the following VERY IMPORTANT FACT:  While living among us, The ALMIGHTY was LOCKED into a single span of time and geographic locationTherefore, Jesus experienced OUR frailty, understood OUR fragile lot and laid aside His power to be Helped, Trained and Taught.  (WOW !)

In addition to the special song our Sanctuary Choir brought to both worship services at out church on Thanksgiving Sunday, “Christmas Grace” is another choral number by which you will be blessed if you are present on Christmas Sunday. Come. You’ll be glad you did. 

 “And now may God who knows us all, watch over those who heed His call and make a place within their hearts for Christ, the Lord, from the manger stall. I pray that God will guide and keep each one who truly seeks.”                        



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