For the 3rd year in a row we are hosting the “International Justice Mission” (IJM) bicycle riders.  They will be here on the 27th of this month.  Please keep a close watch as more details regarding the specific time of their presentation will be publicized. The IJM cyclists are riding to raise awareness of the ways that the world’s most vulnerable are harmed and WHAT WE CAN DO to make a difference.  Each year the presentation includes awesome victory stories of how people were rescued from slavery and oppression while perpetrators of evil have been brought to justice. It is so encouraging to hear how people, in the name of Christ, are making such a positive difference in the lives of those so often considered, the “least of these”. Our dinner will really serve dual purposes.  The first is our own edification and enlightenment.  We get to learn more about those who are suffering and how we can help.  This in itself is reason enough to plan on attending.

But, at the same time, we also get to encourage the cyclists as they travel on a city to city tour (Seattle to Portland) to help shine light into darkness.  The majority of the cyclists are young adults just now learning how to speak publicly and advocate for change.  For our part, simply being present as they share, is an encouragement to them on their journey.  

I hope you are able to plan on joining us for dinner, at the church, on the 27th.  As soon as we settle on the exact time, we will publicize that as well. 
Blessings, Pastor Tim

11 So encourage each other and build each other up,
 just as you are already doing. 
-1 Thessalonians 5:11
