It has been the goal of the praise team to, over the course of each year, to do several “Renew” worship events. Some of these are inward focused with the goal of rejuvenating the members of our church body. Some of them are outward focused where we encourage the church to reach out to the community. Last year, for one of our Renews, we hosted a diaper drive and wipe drive for our local crisis pregnancy center, MyChoices, at the Port Angeles City Pier, complete with live music, free hot dogs, games for children, and more! It was so successful that they have asked us to do it again in conjunction with their “Walk for Life” (a 5k pledge-sponsored walk). I hope you’ll mark this year’s Renew event down on your calendars and plan on coming out again and supporting this wonderful organization, bring your friends and family, and if you are able, even sign up to serve!
On July 25th, at the Port Angeles City Pier, MyChoices will start their “Walk for Life” where the athletes will walk, run, or stroll their 5k. The athletes will return at about 2pm. Then from 2-6pm we will be firing up the live music (First Baptist Church’s Praise Team, Michael Rivers, and Sequim Valley Foursquare Church’s Praise Team), BBQ, bubble machine, and children’s games and collect diapers and wipes to donate to MyChoices. What an AMAZING way to bless our community and show Christ’s love to people who may never come through our church doors!
In 2014 this event took about 150+ man hours and 47 unique volunteers. This year is even bigger and we are expecting more people. I hope you will consider signing up to help out! If you have any question or are interested in helping out with set-up, running games, keeping the area clean, handing out Bibles, manning a booth with craft items whose proceeds also go to MyChoices, helping with food, or tear down, please contact our church office at 360-457-3313.
In His Service, Lynn Crawford