Jesus Feeds 5,000
Mark 6:30-44; John 6:1-14
BIG IDEA: God gives us good things to show His love.
- Jesus had been teaching the crowd all day, and people were getting hungry. What was the problem, though? (There was no food around, or enough money to buy it.)
- One little boy had some food to share. What did he have? (5 loaves of bread, 2 fish)
- What did Jesus do with the food? (He thanked God for it, and had his friends pass it out to the crowd.)
- Did they have enough? (Yes, with 12 baskets leftover.)
ACTION PLAN: Name some things that God has given you to show His love for you.
PRAYER: Thank God for His gifts and love for you.
"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever." Psalm 89:1
Jesus Feeds 5,000
Mark 6:30-44; John 6:1-14
BIG IDEA: God shows His love by giving us the things we need.
- What was Jesus doing with the big crowd of people? (Teaching them about God.)
- It was getting late and the disciples wanted to send the people away to eat, but what did Jesus say? (Jesus told them to feed them.)
- One little boy had some food, what did he have to offer? (5 loaves, 2 fish)
- Jesus took the food and thanked God for it, then what happened? (He gave each of the disciples food to pass out, and they fed all the people and never ran out!)
- How much food was leftover? (12 baskets)
ACTION PLAN: Jesus showed God's love by meeting the crowd's need for food. Identify some "needs" in your life and talk about how God supplies those needs. You may want to discuss the difference between needs and wants.
PRAYER: Thank God for giving us the things we need.
"The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made." Psalms 145:9
* * * Parent Reminder: There is a 5th Sunday coming up this month, January 31st. There will be no class for the Elementary students. We encourage families to take advantage of this opportunity to worship as a family! * * *
Which Soil Are You?
Matthew 13: 1-23
BIG IDEA: I can let God’s Word take root and grow good fruit in my life.
- What is a parable? (A story that Jesus told.)
- What were the four kinds of soil told in the parable of the sower? (Hard, rocky ground, weedy, and good.)
- What does being like good soil mean? (Being ready to hear and read the Bible. Looking for ways to do what the Bible says.)
CONNECTING TO JESUS: In the story about the sower, Jesus told about the different ways people respond to God’s Word. We can choose if we will be life hard, rocky, weedy, or good soil. One day, Jesus will come back to be our King. Until then, He wants us to obey His Word and follow Him. As God’s Son, Jesus gives us everything we need to grow good fruit in our lives.
ACTION PLAN: Describe the ways to receive, understand, and believe God’s Word.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might and with all your strength." Mark 12:30