
The Greatest Love of All

Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48

BIG IDEA: God wants us to serve and think of others, before ourselves.


  • What were Jesus' friends arguing about? (Who was the best.)
  • Jesus held a little child and said, being kind to this child is like being kind to... ? (Me)
  • What did Jesus tell his friends to do instead of worrying about who was the best? (To be loving and kind and to serve others.)

ACTION PLAN:  Think of different ways you could show God's love by serving others this week.

PRAYER: Ask God to help us to be kind and help others.


"Be kind to everyone." 2 Timothy 2:24



The Greatest Love of All

Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48

BIG IDEA: God wants us to serve others and not just think about ourselves.


  • What were Jesus' friends arguing about on the road? (Who was the greatest, or best.)
  • Jesus used someone as an example and told them, if you want God to think you are great, you need to be like this ____.  (A little child.)
  • He said to treat children the way you would treat Me. He doesn't want us acting like we are better than others. He wants us to do what? (Treat others kindly and serve others.)

ACTION PLAN: Think of ways you can show kindness and serve others (friends or family) this week.

PRAYER:  Ask God to help you put others first and show kindness each day.


"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19



Talent Uncovered

Matthew 25:14-29

BIG IDEA: God made us in wonderful ways so that we can love Him by serving others.


  • What did the first two servants do what the money they were given? (They put their money to work.)
  • Why was the master angry with the servant he’d given one talent? (The servant did nothing to earn more money for the master.)
  • What do you think Jesus wanted people to learn from this story? (To use the talents and abilities God gives us. To be trustworthy and dependable. To always do our best.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: In the story about the three servants, Jesus teaches us what doing our best means. In our lives, Jesus is the King we do our best for! One day, Jesus will come back to Earth. In the meantime, we do our very best to serve Him by showing His love to others. This is the kind of service we give to the King we love: King Jesus!

ACTION PLAN: Discuss abilities God has given me and plan ways to use my abilities to please Him.


"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

