
The Loving Father

Luke 15:11-24

 BIG IDEA: There are ways we can show love and forgive others every day.


  • How many sons did the dad have? (2 sons)
  • What did one of the sons ask for? (He asked his dad for the money early, that his dad was going to give him.)
  • What did the son do? (He moved away and spent all his money.)
  • How did the dad feel when his son left? (Sad.)
  • The son ran out of money and food, and was taking care of pigs. What did he decide to do? (To go back home and say sorry and try to work for his dad.)
  • What happened when the dad saw his son coming home? (He ran to meet him, forgave him, gave him new clothes, a ring and a party!)

 ACTION PLAN: Name ways your family shows kindness to each other.

 PRAYER: Thank God for loving us and forgiving us when we do wrong. Ask Him to help you  love and forgive others, too.


"Be kind to everyone." 2 Timothy 2:24



The Loving Father

Luke 15:11-24

 BIG IDEA:  We can find chances to love and forgive others everyday.


  • What did the younger son ask his Dad for? (His inheritance money early.)
  • After he left home, what happened to the son's money? (He spent it all on clothes, food and parties.)
  • What happened when all his money was gone? (He had to get a job feeding pigs. He was hungry. He decided to go home and tell his Dad he was sorry.)
  • What did the Dad do when he saw his son coming home? (He ran to him, hugged him and forgave him. Gave him a fancy robe, new shoes and a special ring. Threw him a party.)

 ACTION PLAN: Describe ways you can show love and forgiveness to people in your family.

 PRAYER: Ask God to help you love and forgive others this week.


"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19



It’s Not Fair!

Matthew 20:1-16

BIG IDEA: God’s love can’t be earned, but He gives it generously to everyone who believes.


  • How much did the owner of the vineyard pay each worker? (One denarius.)
  • Why did some of the workers think they should have received more money? (Because they had worked longer.)
  • How is God like the owner? (He is generous in the He loves us too!)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: In the story Jesus told, the owner of the vineyard was generous and paid each of his workers the same - no matter how long or short a time they had worked. God is like this generous owner! Jesus lived, died and came back to life so that we could be forgiven for our sin and receive God’s amazing love. There isn’t anything we can do to earn it! It’s God’s free gift.

ACTION PLAN: Describe how I have responded to God’s great love.


"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

