If you are a member at First Baptist Church or currently active in the life of our church, please contact the church office at (360) 457-3313 to be added to or to update your information in the directory.

Who is included in the directory?

We include any FBC member or those who are currently active in the life of the church that offer their info for the directory.  We will also include previous pastors and spouses for 10 years.

How are Children listed?

Children are listed with their parents until they graduate high school.  No personal phone numbers or email addresses will be listed for children before they graduate high school.

What about College Students?

Any person listed in our directory who relocates to attend college can choose to be listed in our directory for up to 5 years after they have moved.

What about Military?

Active duty military and folks stationed abroad can remain in the directory. These are people who attend church when they are in town, are in contact with the pastors, and/or contribute financially to the church.