July 19th Family Tools


July 19th Family Tools


Elisha's New Room

2 Kings 4:8-10

BIG IDEA:  God gives us what we need.


  • What did Elisha spend his time doing? (Traveling and telling people about God.)
  • God helped Elisha have what he needed through some good friends.  What did Elisha's friends do for him? (They invited them to eat with them. Built a room for Elisha to stay in when he came through town.)
  • What was in his special room? (A chair, table, lamp and bed.)
  • What are some ways we can express love and help others this week?

ACTION PLAN:  Discuss different ways that God gives you what you need.

PRAYER:  Thank God for His care and for giving you what you need.


"God has been good to me." Genesis 33:11


Lost Strength

Judges 16

BIG IDEA: It is wise to admit to God when I have done wrong because He will forgive me.


  • How did Samson disobey God? (Told Delilah the secret about his hair, and let his hair be cut.)
  • Even though Samson made wrong choices, how did God use him to destroy the Philistine leaders? (God gave him strength one last time to push the pillars over in the temple. The whole building fell down, killing the Philistine leaders, and Samson.)
  • Our memory verse this month is 1 John 1:9. What does it say God will do if we confess our sins? (God will forgive us. Make us clean (purify us) from our wrong choices.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: Samson made a lot of wrong choices, but God never changed His plan for Samson.  He planned for Samson to conquer the Philistines.  And in the end, that's EXACTLY what Samson did!  Since before Adam and Eve chose to disobey, God has had a plan.  No matter what bad things people did, God's plan always remained the same: for Jesus to come to Earth and die for our sins so that one day we could be with Him forever. It's because of Jesus that we can have forgiveness of sins and when we make mistakes, God never stops loving us and can still use us to fulfill His plan for our lives!

ACTION PLAN: Plan ways to tell others about God's forgiveness.


"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  1 John 1:9



July 12th Family Tools


July 12th Family Tools


God Cares for a Widow

1 Kings 17:7-16

BIG IDEA:  God is with us and takes care of us.


  • What happened to the stream God sent Elijah to? (It dried up. No more water.)
  • Where did God send Elijah next? (To a nearby town.)
  • What was he to do there? (Ask a woman for a drink, and bread.) 
  • What was the woman's answer? (She gave him a drink, but said she only had enough flour and oil for one last loaf for her and her son.)
  • What did Elijah say God would do for her? (He said she wouldn't run out of flour or oil until the Lord sent rain again.)

ACTION PLAN: Name a time God has been with you and cared for you.

PRAYER:  Thank God for always being with you and give examples.


"God has been good to me." Genesis 33:11



Unteachable Samson

Judges 13--15

BIG IDEA:  It is wise to learn from other's mistakes and choose to follow God's way.


  • What were some of the rules God gave Samson's parents about what he should not do? (Cannot cut his hair.  Cannot touch anything dead.  Cannot eat or drink anything from grapes.)
  • What unwise choices did Samson make? (Touched the dead body of a lion. Married a Philistine (the enemy!)
  • How can learning about other people's mistakes help us out? (Examples: Help us know what not to do. We can see their consequences, and be encouraged to make good choices.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: God chose Samson to help Israel get rid of the Philistines. Samson knew what God wanted him to do, but Samson wanted to do things his OWN way! That didn't stop God, though, He was still able to use Samson's wrong choices to help Israel. Now, Jesus ALWAYS obeyed what God wanted him to do. And because he did something no one else could do, He freed us from sin so we don't have to go our own way, but we can join God's family!

ACTION PLAN: Identify ways to know and follow God's plan for us. (Examples: We can know by... reading the Bible, praying to God, listening to people who know and love God. We can follow by... looking for ways to do what is right, doing the things you know will help you follow God.)


"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9



One Nation Under God


One Nation Under God

“God bless our native land, Firm may she ever stand

Through storm and night: When the wild tempests rave,

Ruler of wind and wave, Do Thou our country save

By Thy great might.”


Then they led the congregation in the singing of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” 

which ends with these words:


“Our fathers’ God, to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing:

Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy light;

Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King!”


What a precious heritage we have and one worth protecting. May we make sure our nation always honors God for indeed blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.


Now our singers will take a much deserved break. The next time they will sing is on September 13th when our current choir members as well as past choir members plus their children and grandchildren combine their talents to bring us, 

“My Lord” on Grandparents’ Day.


It is also a good time to invite new singers to join us in our choral activities. 

Now is the time to spread the word about this musical event and bring someone 

to our Wed. rehearsal on Sept. 9!


Did you notice that we already have a new singer in our choir? We are happy to have Jeanine Thayer now singing in our group. She sang with us on July 5th and you’ll see her singing with us again on Grandparents’ Day. WELCOME JEANINE!! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE WITH US!!!





Dear Flock,


Dear Flock,

For the 3rd year in a row we are hosting the “International Justice Mission” (IJM) bicycle riders.  They will be here on the 27th of this month.  Please keep a close watch as more details regarding the specific time of their presentation will be publicized. The IJM cyclists are riding to raise awareness of the ways that the world’s most vulnerable are harmed and WHAT WE CAN DO to make a difference.  Each year the presentation includes awesome victory stories of how people were rescued from slavery and oppression while perpetrators of evil have been brought to justice. It is so encouraging to hear how people, in the name of Christ, are making such a positive difference in the lives of those so often considered, the “least of these”. Our dinner will really serve dual purposes.  The first is our own edification and enlightenment.  We get to learn more about those who are suffering and how we can help.  This in itself is reason enough to plan on attending.

But, at the same time, we also get to encourage the cyclists as they travel on a city to city tour (Seattle to Portland) to help shine light into darkness.  The majority of the cyclists are young adults just now learning how to speak publicly and advocate for change.  For our part, simply being present as they share, is an encouragement to them on their journey.  

I hope you are able to plan on joining us for dinner, at the church, on the 27th.  As soon as we settle on the exact time, we will publicize that as well. 
Blessings, Pastor Tim

11 So encourage each other and build each other up,
 just as you are already doing. 
-1 Thessalonians 5:11





It has been the goal of the praise team to, over the course of each year, to do several “Renew” worship events.  Some of these are inward focused with the goal of rejuvenating the members of our church body.  Some of them are outward focused where we encourage the church to reach out to the community.  Last year, for one of our Renews, we hosted a diaper drive and wipe drive for our local crisis pregnancy center, MyChoices, at the Port Angeles City Pier, complete with live music, free hot dogs, games for children, and more!  It was so successful that they have asked us to do it again in conjunction with their “Walk for Life” (a 5k pledge-sponsored walk).   I hope you’ll mark this year’s Renew event down on your calendars and plan on coming out again and supporting this wonderful organization, bring your friends and family, and if you are able, even sign up to serve!

On July 25th, at the Port Angeles City Pier, MyChoices will start their “Walk for Life” where the athletes will walk, run, or stroll their 5k.  The athletes will return at about 2pm.  Then from 2-6pm we will be firing up the live music (First Baptist Church’s Praise Team, Michael Rivers, and Sequim Valley Foursquare Church’s Praise Team), BBQ, bubble machine, and children’s games and collect diapers and wipes to donate to MyChoices.  What an AMAZING way to bless our community and show Christ’s love to people who may never come through our church doors!

In 2014 this event took about 150+ man hours and 47 unique volunteers.  This year is even bigger and we are expecting more people.  I hope you will consider signing up to help out!  If you have any question or are interested in helping out with set-up, running games, keeping the area clean, handing out Bibles, manning a booth with craft items whose proceeds also go to MyChoices, helping with food, or tear down, please contact our church office at 360-457-3313.

In His Service, Lynn Crawford


July 5th Family Tools


July 5th Family Tools


Birds Feed Elijah

1 Kings 17:1-6

BIG IDEA:   God loves and cares for us!


  • What message did God give Elijah? (That it wouldn't rain for a long time.  Told him to go hide by a little stream.)
  • How did God love and care for Elijah? (God supplied his needs. He gave him water to drink. And had birds bring him bread and meat to eat.)
  • God was good to Elijah.  And He is good to us!  What are some ways God has taken care of you? (Ex. warm home, food in our fridge, moms/dad/grandparents to take care of us.)

ACTION PLAN:  Name a way God loves and cares for you.

PRAYER:  Thank God for loving and caring for us all the time.


"God has been good to me." Genesis 33:11



Beating All Odds

Judges 7:1-23

BIG IDEA:  It is wise to obey God by doing what He asks of me.


  • What did God tell Gideon about the number of soldiers in his army? (There were too many.)
  • Gideon started with 32,000 soldiers, how many did he end up with? (300)
  • How did he narrow it down?  (First he asked if anyone was afraid, and let them go home.  Then he took them to a stream for a drink of water, and he kept only those that cupped the water and brought it up to their face.)
  • Why did God want Gideon to have a smaller army? (So people would know that God won the battle, not the soldiers. So they couldn't take credit for winning.)
  • What happened during the battle? (Gideon and his army split into 3 groups of 100, carrying trumpets, jars and torches.  They surprised the enemy. The Midianites were confused and fought each other. God won the battle!)

CONNECTING TO JESUS:  God's battle plan to defeat the Midianites might have seemed silly, but Gideon had made up his mind to obey God, no matter what.  And because he trusted and obeyed, God showed His great power to everyone around!  Jesus also made the choice to trust and obey His Father's plan, even though it meant death.  And because He did, God showed the whole world that He has power to raise the dead and make anyone who believes in Jesus a member of His family. God's plans are always best, even when they are difficult. He promises to be with us and take care of us the whole way!

ACTION PLAN:  Talk about reasons why obeying God is the wisest choice.


 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  1 John 1:9


Summer Small Groups Are Coming, Here’s 5 Things To Remember


Summer Small Groups Are Coming, Here’s 5 Things To Remember

Starting the week of July 5th, 3 groups will begin meeting in homes throughout the summer to grow closer together and grow closer to God.  It’s a wonderful time to look forward to, but as you look at your summer plans and consider gathering in one of these groups there are 5 things to keep in mind.

Break out of your comfort zone

Any time we are given the chance to make a decision, many times if given the choice we go with what we are comfortable with (what we know), like where you sit in church, if given the choice, it’s probably the same spot as last week.

  • Your comfort zone may be what’s kept you from joining a group
  • Your comfort zone may lead you to only be in a group that has your circle of friends in it.
  • Your comfort zone may keep you from joining a group that is a little inconvenient.  Too far away or not a great time of day.

I’ve found that more times than not, when I serve my comforts over everything else, I find myself drifting from God’s purpose.

Invite a friend

Sharing our faith is biblical and from what I have read, not optional.  Knowing how to share our faith is where we can freeze up and struggle.  Inviting people into our lives should be a natural way to share our faith.  Be thinking this summer about who God has placed in your life to invite to join a small group with you.  Some people are just waiting to be asked.

Make your group a priority

There’s this small saying that I hear all the time that I always remember when I'm buying stuff- “you get what you pay for.”  The blessing that comes through a group getting together doesn’t come by just SAYING you’re in the group, it comes from sharing life together and BEING at group.  So when you are looking at your summer, make your time in group with each other a priority in your schedule.

Pray for your leader & host house

Sometimes we can be very critical of our leaders.  I want to urge you to pray for your host house and small group leaders and their families.  They are cleaning house, studying, preparing and praying not because they know who is going to be in their group and like those people enough to work hard for them, but because they want to honor God, serve His church and see others grow through small groups.

Be a joy to lead

Some of my favorite people are those that have taught me what it means to be a joy to lead.  They show up a few minutes early ready to help in any way they can, they stay back to help clean up, and they contribute to the group in any way they can.  Be ready to step up and accept responsibility within your group and make your leader's life a little easier.

As the first week of small groups start, be encouraged that God takes joy in the gathering of His people.  He loves to see us laugh and enjoy each other just as much as He loves to see us grow and study together.  Have a great season of groups.


June 28th Family Tools


June 28th Family Tools


Joseph Forgives

Genesis 42:1-8; 43:16; 45:1-28; 46:5-7

BIG IDEA:  God wants us to show love to others.


  • Why did Joseph's brothers come to Egypt? (Their dad sent them to buy grain.)
  • How do you think Joseph felt when he saw his brothers again? (Maybe sad, angry, excited)
  • Did his brothers recognize him? (No)
  • How did Joseph show his brothers love? (He forgave them for selling his as a slave. He invited them to come live with him in Egypt.)

ACTION PLAN: Think of people and ways that you can show them love this week.

PRAYER:  Ask God to help you see people who need love and find ways to show it to them.


"The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9



Gideon's Test

Judges 6:1-22, 36-40

BIG IDEA: It is wise to trust God's big plans for me.


  • What was Gideon doing when the angel of the Lord came to him? (Hiding from the Midianites in a winepress.)
  • What did the angel tell Gideon? (Called him a mighty warrior. Told him God wanted him to defeat the Midianites. God would be with him.)
  • What did Gideon ask God to do? Why? (He asked God to prove this was right by putting a sheepskin out, and making it wet and the ground dry. Then the next night the opposite, make the sheepskin dry and the ground wet. Gideon asked this because he wasn't ready to trust God yet.)
  • What did God do? (He answered Gideon's prayers to help Gideon trust God's plans for him.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS:  God chose Gideon to do something that seemed scary to him.  But Gideon trusted the Lord with all his heart.  So he did what God told him to do, and God caused him to win the battle and free the Israelites.  Jesus also fully trusted and obeyed God.  Jesus had the biggest, most outrageous act of love to do... to take the punishment of all our sins! When he died and came back to life, He won the ultimate battle so that we could be free from sin and join God's family forever!

ACTION PLAN:  Talk about what trusting God looks like and sounds like.  (What are things people can say to show they trust in God?  What are some actions that show someone trusts in God?)


"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says." James 1:22

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6  


June 21st Family Tools


June 21st Family Tools


Joseph Shares Food

Genesis 41

BIG IDEA:  God wants us to share.


  • When the King had a bad dream, who was able to help? (The King's servant remembered how Joseph helped with his dream in prison, and told the King about Joseph.  God helped Joseph tell the King the meaning of his dream.)
  • What was in the King's dream? (7 fat cows, 7 skinny cows)
  • Joseph said there would be 7 years of good crops, and then 7 years with no crops.  The King put him in charge of making sure everyone would have food. What did Joseph tell his helpers to save?  And where did they put it?  (Save all the extra grain.  Put it in barns.)
  • What did Joseph do when the people had no food to eat? (He sold them grain.)

ACTION PLAN:  Name something you can share this week.

PRAYER:  Ask God to help us share with people wherever we go.


"The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9



Choosing Wisely

Luke 10:38-42

BIG IDEA: It is wise to choose to make God number one in my life!


  • What did Mary do that made Martha upset? (Mary chose to listen to Jesus and enjoy His company instead of help with all the work.)
  • Why was Jesus pleased with what Mary chose to do? (Mary put Jesus first.)
  • What are some ways you can show that God is #1 in your life this week? (Read the Bible. Memorize a Bible verse. Tell others what I know about Jesus. Sing a song telling God that I love Him.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: Both Martha and Mary loved Jesus.  Martha was busy doing all these things FOR Jesus, that she neglected to BE with Jesus.  Mary had all those busy jobs to do, too, but she chose to sit at Jesus' feet.  How we spend our time shows what matters most to us.  When we put God first, it shows in what we do.  It is wise to spend time with Him -- it is too important to be missed.

ACTION PLAN:  Choose a way to spend time with God each day!

June Memory Verses: 

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says." James 1:22

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6  



Anchored to the Rock


Anchored to the Rock

“On this sea of life I sail through the storms and through the gales,
For I’m anchored to the Rock, the Rock of Ages;
And my anchor is secure, and my vessel will endure
For I’m anchored to the solid Rock.”

What a blessing it is to know that as a believer, we have an anchor in Jesus Christ. Even though the “winds of fear and doubt may blow, peace and safety will be found, for my ship is homeward bound.”

Recently our Sanctuary Choir members had the privilege to welcome a visitor to one of our rehearsals. At the conclusion of the rehearsal this director had the opportunity to converse with our guest and discovered that our visitor had never heard comforting words such as those expressed in this anthem. What an opportunity to witness!
I trust we never take for granted the gift we have received from Christ to anchor ourselves in Him. Sometimes it takes a contact with someone hearing for the first time about the love and salvation God offers through His son, Jesus Christ, to make us realize how fortunate we are as  believers to have this anchor as we make our way through life.

On God’s promises I rest for each one has stood the test,
Yes, I’m anchored to the Rock, the Rock of Ages.
Heaven’s haven will draw nigh, we will be there by and by,
For I’m anchored to the solid Rock.

The choir will sing this anthem in the 9:30 worship service on Sunday, June 14, 2015. We hope you will be present to worship with us through this musical message. Also on this same Sunday, the choir will offer a choral blessing at the conclusion of the sermon, “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.” This choral benediction is a favorite of many people in our choir as well as among members of our congregation.
With the singing of this special benediction, the Sanctuary Choir will break for the summer and  won’t be heard again until October. The Summer Singers take over in July and finish their run on Grandparents Day, Sept. 13, 2015. Come sing with us for the summer, if you wish!

It has come to my attention that we need to find a pianist/organist to substitute for Joy Koon when she is not available to fill in for Rosemary Brauninger when Kent and Rosemary are traveling. I’m asking the congregation to help me locate an accompanist who would enjoy filling in whenever necessary. If you can suggestion a name to me, I’ll be happy to follow up on that lead. Thank you.
“Sing”cerely, Betty


June 14th Family Tools


June 14th Family Tools


Joseph in Prison

Genesis 39:1-40:23

BIG IDEA: God can help us make good choices.


  • Joseph was sold to a man named Potiphar.  How did Joseph do working for Potiphar? (He worked very hard. Potiphar made Joseph the most important slave, in charge of all his helpers and money.)
  • What happened when Potiphar's wife told lies about Joseph? (Potiphar believed his wife and put Joseph in jail.)
  • Even in jail, God was still with Joseph and taking care of him.  What happened while he was in jail? (He did such a good job working there, he was put in charge of all the prisoners.  He helped tell a sad man what his dream meant.)
  • Even though Joseph was treated poorly (by brothers, Potiphar's wife), did he make poor choices or good choices?  (Good choices.)

ACTION PLAN: Identify a good choice you can make today.

PRAYER: Ask God to help you make good choices this week.

MEMORY VERSE: "The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9



Trusting God's Word

Matthew 4:1-11

BIG IDEA: It is wise to trust God's Word to guide me when trouble comes.


  • Why did Jesus go into the desert alone? (To spend some quiet time with God and pray.)
  • What did Satan try to make Jesus do? (Tried to trick Jesus into disobeying God and worshipping  Satan instead.
  • How did he try and trick Jesus? (Tried to get Him to turn stones into bread.  To jump off a mountain.  And tried offering Him all the kingdoms on Earth.)
  • Did Jesus get tricked?  What did He say to Satan? (No. He repeated God's Word.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS:  When Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, Jesus gave answers that came straight from Moses' words, which are included in our Bible.  Jesus showed us that obeying God starts with knowing God's Word.  When we store God's Word in our hearts, by reading and memorizing it, we can trust what God says to guide us when trouble comes!

ACTION PLAN: Discuss difficult situations you may face and how trusting God's Word can help.

June Memory Verses: 

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says." James 1:22

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 


Dear Flock


Dear Flock

Did you vote?  I sure did.  And from multiple computers at that.  I voted from my smart phone, and my laptop, and even from the church computer.  But perhaps you don’t get on Facebook, or read the Peninsula Daily News, or listen to the radio, or read billboards as you drive through town – so it is possible that you’re unaware of the subject of the vote.

Recently, Port Angeles fought their way into a competition for the title of “Best Town In America” by Outside Magazine.  We fought our way in because initially we were not chosen to participate.  Rather, we had to win a “wild-card” round to be included and so, from the get go we were the underdog.  And the further we progressed, the greater the excitement for our town.  Finally, the big competition… Port Angeles vs. Chattanooga for the championship title of “Best Town Ever.”  A small town vs. a small city whose winner is determined by popular vote.

By the end of our competition we had everyone from our state governor to Seahawks players asking people to vote.  How awesome is that!

In spite of the fact that we garnered nearly as many votes for our town as reside in the whole of Clallam County, we fell just short of the title mark.  And yet, look at what we accomplished, and who we reached, by way of a wonderful blend of enthusiasm and unity.  In our collective exuberance we rallied together and got the word out about this wonderful place we call home.  And we succeeded in sharing the good news about the beauty of Port Angeles with our whole nation.  As I saw one person state, “we are the little town that could”.

Now, I know there must be some parallel to draw between a people who, with enthusiasm and unity, were able to share the good news about our town, and what we as the people of the First Baptist Church are called to do.  I wonder, what might that parallel be?

Blessings, Pastor Tim


Family Tools - June 7th


Family Tools - June 7th


Lesson 1 - Joseph & His Brothers

Genesis 37

BIG IDEA: God promises to be with us wherever we go.


  • Jacob had 12 sons, but who was his favorite? (Joseph)
  • What made Joseph's brothers so angry with him? (Their Dad gave Joseph a beautiful coat to Joseph and not them.  Joseph told his brothers about a couple of dreams he had where they bowed to him.)
  • What happened to Joseph when he went to check on his brothers? (They wanted to hurt him. They threw him in a deep well.  They sold him as a slave to some traders.)
  • How do you think Joseph felt? (Ex. sad, angry, hurt, alone, etc.)
  • ACTION PLAN: Name a place God has been with you this week.

PRAYER: Thank him for being with you everywhere you go.

MEMORY VERSE: "The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9


Mirroring God's Word

James 1:19-25

BIG IDEA: It's wise to read God's Word and live it, and not forget it.


  • What did we say wisdom means? (Knowing the right things to do, and then doing it.)
  • What were the 2 steps that James gave us to be wise? (1. Listen to God's Word, 2. Do what it tells us.)
  • We talked about mirrors. Forgetting what we look like in a mirror is like forgetting what? (God's Word. Forgetting what God wants us to do. If we read God's Word but don't do what it says, it's like seeing our dirty faces in a mirror but forgetting and not washing.)
  • What does James 1:22 tell us NOT to do? (Trick/deceive ourselves.) What are we supposed to do instead? (Obey God's Word. Put His Word into action.)
  • What were 3 examples James gave us on how we can be wise and DO what God says? (Be quick to listen. Be slow to talk back. Be slow to get angry.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: James challenges us to not only read God's Word, but to also put it into action.  When we go beyond just learning what God says, and actually DO what God says, we begin to understand it much more.  And obedience also shows other people that we belong to God's family and have a true relationship with Jesus, also known as the Living Word of God!

ACTION PLAN: Identify ways to put God's Word into action.

June Memory Verses: 

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says." James 1:22

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6


May 31st Family Tools


May 31st Family Tools


Safe in a Shipwreck

Acts 27

BIG IDEA: To see others in need and show God's love to them.


  • What happened while Paul was on the boat? (A big storm. They people were afraid.)
  • Paul knew they were afraid, how did he help them? (He told them not to be afraid. Told them God loved them and promised to take care of them. That no one would get hurt.)
  • What happened to the boat? And the people on the boat? (It wrecked and broke apart. The people swam to shore, or floated on pieces of the boat to shore. Everyone was safe!)

ACTION PLAN: Identify ways that you can show God's love to your friends.

PRAYER: Ask God to help you care for others and show them God's love.


"Jesus said, 'Go and tell the good news.'"  Mark 16:15


Safe in a Shipwreck

Acts 27

BIG IDEA:  We can say and do things that will encourage others.


  • The storm was fierce and the passengers were all cold, hungry and scared.  How did Paul encourage them? (He told them an angel appeared to him and promised they would all be safe.  God would save them.  The ship would break, but no lives would be lost.)
  • What are some difficult situations kids your age might experience? (Examples: Getting a bad grade at school. Mean kids picking on others. Moving to a new school. Parents are upset about something.)
  • What are some ways we can be encouraged by God? (Pray to God, or ask someone to pray for you. Read some of your favorite Bible verses. Listen or sing praise songs. Remember some times that God has helped you in the past.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS:  Paul understood that having power over nature was not a problem for Jesus.  He had the power to stop a storm (Mark 4:35-39) or simply walk through it (Mark 6:45-50).  Because Paul trusted Jesus, he had confidence -- even in a frightening situation.  We can have confidence, too.  We may not know how things will turn out, but we can be confident that Jesus is with us! We can share that confidence with others and it can encourage them to trust Jesus along with us!

ACTION PLAN: Discuss ways to encourage others to trust God.

May Memory Verses:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

"Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." Ephesians 5:15-16


May 24th Family Tools


May 24th Family Tools


A Boy Helps Paul

Acts 23:12-35

BIG IDEA: We don't have to be grown-ups to help others in important ways.


  • Paul ended up in jail for telling others about Jesus. What did some angry men plan to do? (Kill Paul.)
  • Who was the young boy that helped Paul? (His nephew.)
  • How did Paul's nephew help to keep him safe? (Paul's nephew told Paul. Was brave and told the commander the men's plan to kill Paul.)
  • What did the commander do to help Paul? (He called for many soldiers and they left the city at night, with Paul hidden among all the soldiers. Took him to the governor's palace.)

ACTION PLAN: Identify ways to help and do good things for others.

PRAYER: Ask God to help you see ways that you can help others.


"Jesus said, 'Go and tell the good news.'"  Mark 16:15


Plot Against Paul

Acts 23:11-35

BIG IDEA: The actions I choose can help others learn about God.


  • Why did some people want to kill Paul? (The religious leaders in Jerusalem disagreed with things Paul said. They didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah.)
  • How did Paul's nephew help? (He overheard the men's plan to kill Paul.  He went to tell Paul in the barracks where he was held.  He obeyed Paul and told the Commander.)
  • What happened because of his actions? (Paul's life was saved. He was taken to Rome and was able to share the good news of Jesus to the people there.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS: Jesus said that His good news would spread all over the world, and not even the evil plan of 40 men, could stop God's plan! God's plans are always bigger!  Paul's nephew was brave and God used him to help save Paul's life.  The nephews actions helped get Paul to Rome, which allowed Paul to tell people there about Jesus, too. His actions helped others learn about God.  We might not have to make decisions on how to save someone's life, but the way we act every day can help the people around us to learn more about God.  And when we trust and obey, that can help others trust and obey, too.

ACTION PLAN: Identify ways that my obeying God helps others learn about Him.

May Memory Verses:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

 "Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." Ephesians 5:15-16


May 17th Family Tools


May 17th Family Tools


Paul Obeys God

Acts 21:17--22:30

BIG IDEA: We are obeying God when we tell others about Jesus.


  • Where did Paul go to tell others about Jesus? (The Temple.)
  • What happened to Paul? (Some men got angry. They dragged him out of the Temple. Soldiers put him in chains.)
  • How did Paul obey God? (He continued telling people about Jesus, even when they were angry.)

ACTION PLAN:  Identify times that we can tell others about Jesus.

PRAYER:  Ask God for help to tell our friends about Jesus, even when it's difficult.


"Jesus said, 'Go and tell the good news.'"  Mark 16:15


Paul Preaches in Jerusalem

Acts 21:8--22:29

BIG IDEA: I can tell others what I believe about Jesus.


What happened when Paul went to Temple in Jerusalem? (People started accusing him of turning people against the Jews and their laws.  People tried to kill him. Roman soldiers came and broke up the fight and arrested Paul.)

Paul asked the Commander if he could talk to the crowd, what did he tell them about how he learned about Jesus? (He shared his testimony of how he used to arrest and hurt people who believed in Jesus, then Jesus spoke to him on the way to Damascus and he, too, believed Jesus and now travels around telling others about Jesus!)

What do you know about Jesus that you could tell others? (He loves us and takes care of us. He is powerful.  He listens to our prayers. He died for our sins and rose again!)

CONNECTING TO JESUS:  Paul had been warned that he would be arrested if he went to Jerusalem, and his friends begged him to not to go, but Paul explained he was ready to be in chains, and even DIE for the sake of Jesus.  He was ready to trusty and obey, no matter what.  It doesn't matter how much or how little you know about Him, if you believe Jesus is God's son, you are a part of His family. And you can tell others why you chose to follow Jesus and He will give you the courage to do so.

ACTION PLAN: List some of the awesome things you believe to be true about God.  Discuss ways you could share these things with others and pray for God to give you courage.

May Memory Verses:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

"Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." Ephesians 5:15-16


Vision from 75 years ago


Vision from 75 years ago

75 years ago today, our Sanctuary was dedicated.  

The history of First Baptist Church in Port Angeles spans all the way back to 1890, 125 year ago this year.  The landmarks  along the way mark a rich history of God being proclaimed to our community, one of them being our congregational growth calling for a new sanctuary to be built in the 1930's.  That sanctuary was dedicated 75 years ago today.

We still are still using the same Sanctuary every Sunday for our 2 morning worship services.  The article from a Peninsula Daily News is found below:

May 12, 1940 •  Peninsula Daily News
The new Tudor Gothic-style sanctuary of the First Baptist Church of Port Angeles at 105 W. Sixt St. will be dedicated this afternoon.
The first worship service sermon this morning will be delivered by the Rev. J.F. Watson, former executive secretary of the Washington Baptist Convention.
The afternoon dedication and sermon will be led by the Rev. W.A. Shanks, current executive secretary of the state convention.
The Port Angeles congregation is under the pastoral leadership of the Rev. R.W. King.

This year we will be celebrating our 125th anniversary, you can read more about it here in Pastor Tim's post from the February newsletter.


Choral Corner


Choral Corner

The year 2015 has not been kind to many of us so far and poor health has plagued our Sanctuary Choir as well. But God is Good and has watched over us and lead us through some very trying weeks.

Thanks to our choir ladies, we were able to provide special music in March and April in spite of so many men ill and therefore unable to participate in our choir presentations. May will be no different. We will bring a choral message of hope to all by singing, “God so Loved the World” on Mother’s Day and “Anchored to the Rock” on June 14th as well as a thought-provoking number on July 5th to celebrate our beloved homeland,  America.

As most of you know by now, some of our choir members have been seriously ill and we are looking for those who are concerned about maintaining our choir, to step in and fill the gaps in our ranks. Are you one of those who would like to help us during this lean time? If you are, then I encourage you to come to a few of our rehearsals and sing with us in a church service. That’s the best way to find out if singing with others in a Christians Choir would be appealing to you as a way to serve Christ in our church.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have stood by my husband, Ray, during the past two and a half months while he aggressively battled a cancerous tumor. The battle still is not over but some progress has been made and we cling to any and all improvements no matter how small. Your cards, calls, visits and prayers have been great sources of encouragement to both Ray and myself and we have appreciated every one. Thank you so very much. Ray says he can feel the Power of Prayer. Praise God and blessings to you all.

“Sing”cerely, Betty


Dear Flock

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Dear Flock

As many of you know I am part of a pastor’s group that meets together each month.  Included in our meetings we have times of prayer, of simple conversation, and intentional mentorship which I, as one of the younger pastors, greatly appreciate.  Included in this time of getting together we discuss a book that we have all taken the time to read.  The books are always informative to how we can better do this job of being pastors.

These books are helpful and I am blessed for the chance to gather with, and learn from, these great men of God.

But the last two meetings I had to confess to the group… life had taken some busy twists and turns and I simply didn’t get the books read.  I strove to remain engaged in the discussion, I still learned from the authors as the other pastors discussed their favorite parts of the books.  And the books themselves still sit on my shelf pestering me that I ought to pick them up to read.  The problem is, there is already next month’s book that I need to read and so choices have to be made.

Now, it is entirely possible that the other pastors could have said, “Come on Tim.  We are all busy too, but we found time to read the books.”  And they would have been right.  I certainly hold no monopoly on the idea of “busy”.

But, to their credit, not a single pastor showed me anything but grace.  Immediate was the forgiveness for the current failure, even as they helped me turn my eyes toward the next opportunity for success by talking about the book we’d be reading next. 

It is often the case that we learn best about the nature of God, and how the church is to show His love, in our moments of failure.  I love that the pastors I meet with are such that I have permission to be less than perfect.  There is no need to pretend to be perfect, or to have all the answers, or to be without flaw.  We don’t gather to brag, we don’t gather to one up each other.  We simply come together to encourage, to equip, to learn.

In this I count myself doubly-blessed.  Because our church functions much the same way as this pastor’s group.  We are a wonderful collection of people, each who have our own stories of foibles and fumbles, and yet in God’s grace, the whole is made greater by its parts.  I thank God for each of you, my friends in this wonderful family of God.  Whether you’re a long-time member, or someone brand new to our fellowship – I’m glad you are with us.  I look forward to seeing how God continues to fit us all together. 

Here’s to what the future holds!
- Pastor Tim

12 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. 13 Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.

~1 Corinthians 12:12-13 (NLT)

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May 10th Family Tools


May 10th Family Tools


Singing in Jail

Acts 16:16-34

BIG IDEA: There are many ways to tell others about Jesus.


  • Not everyone was happy that Paul and his friends were in Phillipi. What happened to Paul and Silas? (Men told lies about them. They were put in jail.)
  • Being in jail didn't stop them from sharing the good news. What are some ways they told others about Jesus? (By talking, praying and singing songs.)
  • How did the jailer feel after the earthquake? (He was afraid all the prisoners would escape. He was afraid he would be in trouble.)
  • What happened after the jailer realized all the prisoners were still there? (He asked Paul and Silas how to be saved. He listened and believed the good news about Jesus.)

ACTION PLAN: Identify ways to tell others about Jesus.

PRAYER: Thank God for always being with us.


Jesus said, 'Go and tell the good news.  Mark 16:15


Praise in Prison

Acts 16:16-40

BIG IDEA: Jesus is with us, so we can be fearless about the future.


  • Why were Paul & Silas put in jail?  (They healed a slave girl from a demon living inside her and the owners were mad because she made them money.  They took them to the authorities and said they were disrupting the city.)
  • What were some ways that Paul & Silas showed they trusted God? (They sang and prayed to God, even when they were in jail.  They didn't escape when the earthquake opened the jail doors. They showed love by stopping the jailer from killing himself when he thought all the prisoners escaped.)
  • What are some difficult situations that people might face? (Examples: Moving to a new neighborhood, having a big test at school, having someone at school being mean to you.)
  • What can you do to remember that Jesus is with you in situations like this? (Pray. Read your Bible. Sing songs about Jesus. Talk with a parent or a teacher.)

CONNECTING TO JESUS:  The jailer heard Paul and Silas singing and praising God even while they were in prison.  Then he saw how they stayed after the earthquake, even when they could have escaped, and stopped him from hurting himself when he was afraid they ran away.  Paul and Silas did more than just TELL people about Jesus, they showed their faith by their actions.  Their actions that night in jail showed their faith and trust in God, and the jailer wanted to know how he could be saved, too.  God is always good, and we can trust Him in every situation, even the scary ones.  

ACTION PLAN: Talk about the goodness of God and some of His promises, that might help us to be brave in scary situations.  Pray for help to trust Jesus and have hope in every situation.

May Memory Verses:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

"Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." Ephesians 5:15-16
